Faline is a major character in the Disney's 1942 animated feature film Bambi. A blue-eyed doe with a playful and flirtatious personality, Faline is the daughter of Ena and one of Bambi's …
Faline is the wife of Bambi, and the mother of Geno, Gurri, and Ferto. Faline is a doe of some sort, with many sources specifically referring to her as a roe deer.[1][2] Her eye color varies …
Faline is one of the two deuteragonists (alongside Thumper) of Disney's 5th full-length animated feature film Bambi and a supporting character in its 2006 midquel Bambi II. She is the …
Faline is one of the two deuteragonists (alongside Thumper) of Disney's 5th full-length animated feature film Bambi and a supporting character in its 2006 midquel Bambi II. She is the …
Faline is Bambi's mate, and their mother of their twin fawns. She is first seen when Bambi's mother takes him to the meadow. As Bambi's mother talks to Faline's mother, Faline runs …
Faline is a female deer and one of the deuteragonists of Disney's 1942 animated feature film Bambi. She is the daughter of Ena and an unknown deer. First shown as a fawn and later as a …
Faline is a female deer and one of the deuteragonists of Bambi. She is the daughter of Ena and an unknown buck. First shown as a fawn and later as a young adult doe, she is Bambi's love …