La surpêche est indéniablement l'une des plus grandes menaces pour nos océans. Mais qu'entendons-nous plus précisément par le terme de « surpêche ». Il est question de surpêche lorsque le volume ...
Close to 38% of global fish stocks are overfished, according to the UN’s 2024 fisheries report. The necessity for well-managed fisheries is more urgent than ever and progress needs to be rapid. Over ...
Each time you go grocery shopping, place an online order, or visit your favorite restaurant, you have the opportunity to vote with your wallet for a healthier ocean for this and future generations.
Choosing products with the MSC blue fish label allows you to enjoy eating seafood with the knowledge you have made a positive choice to support well-managed, sustainable fisheries. These fisheries are ...
The MSC Fisheries Standard is used to assess if a fishery is well-managed and sustainable. To become MSC certified, fisheries voluntarily apply to be assessed against the Standard. It’s open to all ...
Understanding what drives consumer trends and motivates shopping behavior helps brands and organizations to align their business strategies with the evolving demands of the market. The rise of ...
The MSC Chain of Custody (CoC) Standard provides assurance that certified fish and seafood products are kept separate from non-MSC certified products throughout the supply chain and that procedures ...
Biodiversity (a combination of the words ‘biological’ and ‘diversity’) is a term that refers to the variety of life on Earth. It includes all the different animals, plants and micro-organisms living ...
The MSC created and maintains two Standards that help bring sustainable seafood to dinner tables around the world. One is for products in the supply chain - that's our Chain of Custody (CoC) Standard ...
A range of gears and methods are used in commercial fishing. Every type of gear has some effect on the ocean environment. However, if carefully managed, virtually all gear types can be used ...
Over £5.25 million has been dedicated to 144 fisheries and projects around the world through the Ocean Stewardship Fund. This includes 113 grants awarded through our annual grant scheme. In 2024, ...
“The Covid situation showed us who we really are,” explains Umar Jamaal, President of the Maldives Seafood Processors and Exporters Association. “The flights stopped, and everyone was laid off from ...