The Mayor is committed to cutting fuel poverty and making London a zero carbon city. London’s buildings contribute to the majority of the capital’s greenhouse gases, so urgent action is required to ...
Information about help you can get with the rising cost of living.
There is a well-established and ever-growing body of scientific evidence linking exposure to air pollution and a number of adverse health effects across all stages of life, with these effects seen ...
Roadside Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) levels, a toxic gas that exacerbates asthma, impedes lung development, and raises the risk of lung cancer, have decreased by a record 27% across the entire capital [1].
Information about help you can get with the rising cost of living.
Mayor's Question Time meetings: the Assembly questions the Mayor, in public, ten times a year as part of its role of holding him to account. Questions put to the Mayor by the Assembly Members cover ...
Read our information and guidance for renters, and access help and support in case of problems with your landlord.
If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need a version of a PDF or other document on this page in a more accessible format, please get in touch via our online form and tell us ...
Find information about benefits, grants and discounts you can get if you’re in financial difficulty, from Greater London Authority, the government, your local council, charities and advice centres.
The London Tree Map shows the locations and species information for over 880,000 of London's trees. These are predominantly street trees, but also some trees in parks and other open spaces. The map ...
I can confirm that the GLA holds the information in scope of your request as set out below: 1. How many days of paid and/or unpaid leave per year can staff who are carers take? The GLA has enhanced ...
The Seaside and Country Homes scheme comprises of over 3,000 properties, mainly two bedroom bungalows and one and two bedroom flats, which are exclusively available to London’s social tenants aged 55 ...