Junior year is infamous among students as the hardest year of high school. Juniors are expected to challenge themselves with the most rigorous courses and maintain a schedule of extracurriculars in ...
The Contra Costa County Fire Protection District, its board of directors and the ConFire Advisory Fire Commission recognized Capt. Gil Caravantes in December for an almost unheard of 40 years of ...
Brother Ronald, President of Saint Mary's College, with Governor Schwarzenegger Picture Courtesy of St Mary's College As a Christian Brother, Ronald Gallagher has devoted his life to the Lassalian ...
With a history dating back to 1914, the red and white cluster of buildings along Moraga's School Street has become an unofficial landmark in the town. The first influential property owner was James ...
Pictured above, in back row: Tory Wong, Linden Brentano, Thama Brentano, Haley Lewis, Lindsey Lewis, Elizabeth Lewis, Danielle Albo; in front row: Marina Allen, Emily Nenni, Hannah Tennant, Jamie ...
This year is the last of Mike Metcalf's service to the town of Moraga as an elected official. For 12 years he has volunteered as a council member, including three terms as mayor. He had served an ...
"This will be the year of implementation for Orinda," states City Manager Janet Keeter as she reflects on the months ahead. Keeter is energized by the many new plans that will be put into play in 2009 ...
The owners of Orinda Motors, Allen and Terry Pennebaker, were recently recognized for their many philanthropic contributions to the City. In addition to the major support Orinda Motors provides to the ...
Joanna Guidotti grew up in Orinda and has strong ties to the community, even though she left to open Churchill Manor in Napa 30 years ago. She inherited a half ownership in Country Club Plaza from her ...
Ask Corie Knights about her kids and the Lafayette mom pulls out her phone and proudly shows photos of her two beautiful daughters. She then scrolls through pictures and pulls up another one - only ...
Something about toy trains enthralls children - especially during the holidays. Whether it's grasping the small wooden trains crafted for young hands by Brio, or watching a tiny puff of smoke from a ...
Giorgio Tavecchio, former Cougar soccer standout turned star football place kicker, walked away from college soccer scholarship opportunities for a longer shot -- a chance to play Cal football as a ...