Congress must pass a short-term spending bill before midnight on Friday when the current stopgap spending bill expires, ...
The San Juan County Sheriff’s Office responded to the following calls. • A San Juan deputy responded to a report of a citizen ...
The Islands' Weekly relies on subscription revenue to provide local content for our readers.
Washington state recently garnered international attention for its successful removal of all polluting and hazardous ...
After retaining all our seniors from last year, Lobos girls basketball is strong and growing, with 17 participants.
Join local and regional shoreline experts from Friends of the San Juans, the Northwest Straits Foundation, Peninsula Environmental, the San Juan County Department of Community Development and the ...
Submitted by the League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan organization that encourages informed participation in government. The ...
San Juan County is in the process of updating its Comprehensive Plan as part of its 2025 Growth Management Act Periodic Update – and your input is welcome. Over the coming months, the County will ...
The Islands' Weekly relies on subscription revenue to provide local content for our readers.
San Juan County’s Environmental Stewardship Department is eager to accept Salmon Recovery project proposals for the Salmon Recovery Funding Board 2025 grant funding cycle. Private residents, nonprofit ...
Submitted by the League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan organization that encourages informed participation in government. The Observer Corps attends and takes notes at government meetings to expand ...