The Bot Talent internal competition has demonstrated the creativity of BBVA employees to come up with innovative and secure ...
The Group continued to grow steadily, while having a positive impact on society. Furthermore, BBVA successfully completed a strategic cycle, far surpassing all the targets it had set.
The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Music and Opera category has gone in this 17th edition to Toshio ...
The use of ChatGPT Enterprise is already saving BBVA employees an average of two hours of work per week. In tandem, the bank ...
Solo es posible en el sistema privado de pensiones y para lograr una cantidad suficiente, la clave es planificar con la mayor anticipación posible, comenzar a cotizar pronto y hacer aportes ...
Una vez obtenido, este préstamo formará parte del pasivo no corriente del negocio o actividad profesional (formado por todas aquellas deudas y obligaciones a largo plazo del autónomo), por lo que ...
BBVA will be holding its 2025 Annual General Meeting in Bilbao. In a recent video addressed to shareholders, Carlos Torres ...
BBVA and BloombergNEF will work together to enhance and strengthen BBVA’s energy transition knowledge and expertise in clean ...
The winners of the 18th Türkiye’s Women Entrepreneurs Competition, organized by Garanti BBVA alongside Ekonomist magazine and ...
El dióxido de carbono es un gas incoloro e inodoro compuesto por carbono y oxígeno. Su acumulación en la atmósfera es una de las principales causas del calentamiento global, un problema agravado por ...
The technological innovations underlying cryptocurrencies, such as cryptography and distributed ledger technology (DLT), can ...
El Programa de Liderazgo y Empresa, promovido por Inspiring Girls y BBVA, ha clausurado su III edición formando a 45 adolescentes en habilidades de liderazgo, finanzas, comunicación e inteligencia ...