The project AURUM - Preventing Illegal Gold Mining in the Amazon aims to strengthen institutional responses and capacities for preventing illegal mining and mercury trafficking, considering the ...
O AURUM - Prevenção da Mineração Ilegal do Ouro na Amazônia busca fortalecer as respostas e as capacidades das instituições para a prevenção da mineração ilegal e do tráfico de mercúrio, considerando ...
However, corruption seriously impedes these efforts. It negatively affects the attraction and retention of foreign investments, fair competition and investment quality, resulting in long-lasting ...
GLOZ83 - Programa Global para a Desarticulação de Redes Criminosas “CRIMJUST” Esta vaga é para atuação junto a um projeto do UNODC. Assim sendo, a emissão contratual ocorrerá somente após o ...
Legislation title: The Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Amendment of First Schedule) Order 2014 and the Control of Chemicals Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 2) Order 2014 ...
Anti-corruption efforts and human rights are inherently interconnected and mutually reinforcing. Countering corruption fosters an environment conducive to the respect, protection and promotion of ...
The goAML application is a fully integrated software solution developed specifically for use by Financial Intelligence Units (FIU's) and is one of UNODC's strategic responses to financial crime, ...