In the Record this morning, they’ve once again gone all Football Insider, referencing the opinion of Marvin Bartley when it ...
Not so long ago, the French connection at Celtic was similar to the Japanese connection we’ve had over the last three years ...
Take this quiz to test your knowledge on some forgotten Hoops attackers!
Celtic have signed and sold plenty of players over the last 20 plus years. I’ve often discussed the money we’ve spent on players that didn’t work out. If you read my articles on that subject, the ...
Danny McGrain led the Celtics’ captaincy during a pivotal period in club history. McGrain demonstrated intelligence, his ability to play full-back with toughness, and displayed strategic gameplay and ...
At the moment, all the talk in the Scottish sports media is focused on the super duper Ibrox takeover by 49er Enterprises. Keith Jackson is beside himself, with excitement levels akin to that of the ...
For this evening’s quiz, I’m going to focus on four in particular, starting with our 5-1 win over Rangers 1872 on November ...