Themes and Groups (including Working Groups, Specialist Groups, and Task Forces) are the main constituent units of the Commission, gathering members with similar expertise and concern. They provide ...
These 516 CFis have a total of 332,168 members (35% female) and 4,497 elected CFi committee members (16% female). An assessment of CFi effectiveness conducted by the FiA in 2018 showed that only 9% of ...
A Global Effort under The Restoration Initiative Land degradation is a global challenge, impacting nearly 2 billion hectares of land used for agriculture, pasture, and forestry. Deforestation and land ...
IUCN SSC Coral Specialist Group brings together leading scientists, practitioners and conservationists under the Species Survival Commission of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature .
The IUCN SSC Standards and Petitions Committee (SPC) is responsible for ensuring the quality and standards of the IUCN Red List and for ruling on petitions against the listings of species on the IUCN ...
Drylands are ecosystems, such as rangelands, grasslands and woodlands, which occupy over 40% of the terrestrial surface, and are characterised by high temporal and spatial rainfall variability.
The concept of rewilding is relatively new, and whilst it offers great potential for reinvigorating conservation, it is currently defined and approached in several different ways. This is limiting the ...
In the last decade, poachers have killed almost 10,000 rhinos across Africa to feed the demand for horn on the black market. The IUCN SSC African Rhino Specialist Group (AfRSG) exists to promote the .
Of the 24 species of crocodilian, 7 are currently listed as Critically Endangered, 4 as Vulnerable, 12 as Least Risk. The IUCN SSC Crocodile Specialist Group (CSG) is a worldwide network of biologists ...
IUCN CEESP Green Criminology Specialist Group (GCSG) is a global expert network placed to provide guidance on identifying transgressions that are harmful to humans, environments, and wildlife ... Dr.