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Teaching English as a second or subsequent language is a complex process, with a knowledge base combining such diverse areas as applied linguistics, language-teaching methodology, curriculum design ...
We’ll prepare you for a career in Information Technology (IT), an industry that is transforming our world and workplaces. You’ll study data structures, operating systems, database systems, ...
I received my PhD in Psychology from the Western University in 1993. I then received a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship, which I undertook at the University of Toronto (Dept. of Psychiatry). In 1995, I ...
Arthropods, like mosquitoes and ticks, can carry a wide range of viruses – some which cause disease in mammals. Many questions remain regarding virus replication in the host and the interplay of ...
Explore the world of interactive media, games and new models of content creation and delivery. You’ll complete collaborative project work in interactive media while learning about related concepts and ...
Video games are an increasingly important part of contemporary life and entertainment. The GAME program prepares students to share and even lead in the creation of games — from the programming that ...
The Office of the Student Ombuds is an independent, impartial, and confidential office whose focus is to ensure undergraduate and graduate students at Brock University are treated fairly, equitably, ...
Our Bachelor of Business Economics program is unique in Canada. If you’re interested in combining the studies of economics and business, this degree offers you the best opportunity. With an emphasis ...
Environmental geoscientists apply their unique understanding of the Earth’s composition, structure and physical processes to protect the environment and predict geologic and hydrologic hazards. New ...
These programs focus on grades seven to twelve, with an emphasis on secondary school. You may pursue one of the following options: Bachelor of Arts (Honours)/Bachelor of Education: Choose from the ...