Teaching English as a second or subsequent language is a complex process, with a knowledge base combining such diverse areas as applied linguistics, language-teaching methodology, curriculum design ...
We’ll prepare you for a career in Information Technology (IT), an industry that is transforming our world and workplaces. You’ll study data structures, operating systems, database systems, ...
At the Brock University Sleep Research Laboratory, we study “sleep, performance, and cognition”. The broad purpose of this research program is to understand the role of sleep in our waking lives. The ...
Explore the world of interactive media, games and new models of content creation and delivery. You’ll complete collaborative project work in interactive media while learning about related concepts and ...
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Environmental geoscientists apply their unique understanding of the Earth’s composition, structure and physical processes to protect the environment and predict geologic and hydrologic hazards. New ...
Brock University has collaborated with a number of academic institutions in order to create new learning pathways that combine applied education with strong theoretical learning. Brock University ...
The 19th annual Start with Strategies conference offers sessions designed to address the unique needs of incoming first-year students with a documented permanent or temporary disability or health ...
Recreation professionals deliver health, social, economic and environmental benefits through leisure services. Each concentration teaches theoretical concepts and provides practical experiences ...
Supporting Neurodiversity through Adaptive Programming (SNAP) is a developmentally appropriate movement education – based embedded curriculum offered to children and youth experiencing disability in ...
THE present is not the past and the future. The distinction which we make between them is evidently fundamental. If we spread a specious present so that it covers more events, as Whitehead suggests, ...