We MUST talk about this, or there is no hope for what ails us: One of the most avoided and denied concepts today is that of sin. We refuse to believe it exists, or that it is a problem. But it is the ...
Believers must regain the use of the mind for God’s glory: Some cynics might think that my title offers an oxymoron. ‘What, do Christians actually think?’ Yes, I get that: too often believers do not ...
The latest news in this ongoing saga: It has become the never-ending story; the continuous madness that is known as the Victorian Liberal Party. While Labor has been in power for what seems like an ...
Inspiring words about the meaning of Christmas: Entire libraries exist packed with volumes discussing the greatest turning point of human history: God coming in the flesh two millennia ago. The ...
New developments are putting us all at risk: We live in an age in which the surveillance state is greatly expanding, while personal freedoms and privacy are greatly decreasing. And I am speaking here ...