新年伊始,淄博中公教育迎来了令人振奋的消息——我们正式迁入新址!在这个充满希望的时刻,我们有幸与大家一起庆祝这一里程碑式的时刻,Happy New Year and housewarming!新店即将在张店区华光路68号恒泰商城西邻揭幕,而我们的故事也将在这里谱写新篇章。
1月4日晚,在长沙市黄兴路步行街中心广场,一场以“鱼”为特色的新年集市吸引了不少市民围观,中英夫妇西蒙一家和俄罗斯网红阿丽娜来到现场变装打卡,西蒙扮起了财神给现场观众发红包,阿丽娜则穿上中式年服扮成年兽,沉浸式体验非遗糖画和鱼灯制作,长沙街头浓浓的中国年味让国际友人乐在其中。On the evening of ...
BEIJING, Jan. 4 (Xinhua) -- China will launch a month-long online shopping event for festive goods ahead of the upcoming Spring Festival, which falls on Jan. 29 this year.
华盛顿及其周边地区的执法和安全机构正在增派人员,准备确保新年后将在首都前所未有地接连举行的三场大型活动的安全,此前在元旦之际,新奥尔良发生恐怖袭击,拉斯维加斯特朗普国际酒店前则发生了赛博卡车(Cyber truck)爆炸事件。
Employees work on a production line at a new energy vehicle enterprise in Wuhu, east China's Anhui Province, Jan. 3, 2025.
虎扑01月04日讯 勇士球员李凯尔更新社媒分享个人赛场内外照。 配文:First win of the new year 🔥(新年首胜) ...
The latest show, Era 2: Spirit of Shanghai, is a collaboration between a French choreography team and Chinese artists, ...
A senior National Development and Reform Commission official, Yuan Da, told a press conference that China's economy will face ...
In Changsha, capital of central China's Hunan Province, visitors to an indoor winter amusement park enjoyed fun activities ...
Ji'an City in northeast China rang in the New Year with a series of thrilling ice and snow activities, attracting tourists to embrace the winter fun.