Digital travel platform Agoda is giving K-pop fans in Japan a reason to cheer with an exclusive offer to attend the Seoul ...
Digital travel platform Agoda is giving K-pop fans in Taiwan a reason to cheer with an exclusive offer to attend the Seoul ...
当NCT WISH彩排视频在微博破亿时,THE BOYZ的新专辑预售瞬间售罄,一场盛大的K-pop盛宴即将在首尔拉开帷幕!2025年4月30日,在首尔世界杯体育场,Agoda为中国内地的K-pop粉丝准备了一个难得的惊喜福利:每位参与活动的粉丝通过Agoda预订特别房间套餐,即可获得两张价值万元的免费演出门票,亲身欣赏NCT WISH、THE BOYZ、n.SSign等顶级艺人的现场表演。 预售票 ...
春天的气息总是带来新的期待,而对于K-pop爱好者来说,即将到来的首尔春季庆典无疑是一场不可错过的绝佳盛事。随着数字旅游平台Agoda为中国内地的粉丝们推出的免费门票活动,观众将有机会亲临“首尔奇妙秀”演唱会,亲眼观看NCT WISH、THE BOYZ等备受瞩目的艺人们在舞台上的精彩表现。这不仅是一次音乐盛宴,更是对整个K-pop文化的狂欢。
Digital travel platform Agoda is giving K-pop fans in Hong Kong a reason to cheer with an exclusive offer to attend the Seoul ...
Ofsted has rated the county's adoption service, managed by the Northamptonshire Children's Trust, as 'good. This is the ...
Panchang from March 14-20, 2025 to determine the auspicious & inauspicious time for performing day-to-day tasks based on the ...
Mumbai: As suicide cases and their abetment arise in courts at regular intervals, the top court has expounded that judges ...
Outstanding leadership” and maintained overall judgement of “good”. Ofsted have published their report on the inspection of ...
The second lineup for the 'SEOUL WONDER SHOW' (hereinafter 'Seoul Wonder Show'), scheduled to take place on April 30 at 7 p.m ...