The push to bring semiconductor manufacturing back to the U.S. faces a significant hurdle: a shortage of skilled workers. The semiconductor industry is expected to need 300,000 engineers by 2030 as ...
Harvesters Community Food Network is figuring out what to do after $1million installments from a COVID-era program were ...
The NCAA made a decision that will allow eligible JUCO, NAIA and other non-NCAA athletes to compete in the 2025–26 season.
Cleric women wearing protective clothing and “chador,” a head-to-toe garment, arrive a cemetery to prepare the body of a ...
在新冠疫情爆发五周年之际,美国密苏里州的一名联邦法官裁定中国政府应该对在新冠疫情初期掩盖真相和囤积防护物资负责,需向密苏里州支付超过240亿美元的赔偿。中国说,“绝不接受所谓的‘缺席判决’”,并保留采取对等反制措施的权利。而密苏里州总检察长则誓言要追 ...
Landmark Holdings of Florida files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy as it struggles with financial challenges, including rising labor costs and declining Medicare rei ...
Survey of Illinois educators found biggest issues with classroom disruptions, student misbehavior & lack of trust toward ...
It's been five years since the COVID-19 pandemic arrived in Springfield. The first diagnosis was made at a Coxhealth clinic.
A federal judge last week ruled in favor of Missouri, after Missouri GOP Sen. Eric Schmidt sued China for "unleashing Covid on the world." ...
State attorneys general have a higher profile than in years past, thanks to lawsuits against the federal government and ...
When Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey says he’ll seize assets to force China to pay a $24.5 billion award won in a lawsuit over COVID-19, ...
The 22-year-old, who has become one of the biggest names in college sports over the past few years, returned for a fifth of ...