2024年9月,一艘长约210米、排水量达4万吨的美国海军军舰缓缓驶入韩国庆尚南道巨济的韩华海洋(Hanwha Ocean)造船厂。这艘舰艇便是美国海军的后勤支援舰“沃利·西拉”号(USNS Wally ...
GYEONGSANGNAM-DO, Republic of Korea – Military Sealift Command’s (MSC) Lewis and Clark-class dry cargo ship USNS Wally ...
Global apprehensions over an expected economic slowdown in the US on tariff tensions and the regional uncertainties had their ...
South Korea conducted major maintenance on an US dry cargo ship, "a landmark achievement," the US Naval Forces Korea ...
DNV has awarded a detailed Approval in Principle (AiP) to Shell International Trading and Shipping Company and Brevik ...
ASFAT AS, a defence company affiliated with Turkey’s Ministry of National Defence (MoD), has partnered with Thailand’s ...
Classification society DNV has granted approval in principle for a 200-kW hydrogen fuel cell system designed for maritime ...
此次建造的8艘LNG运输船是卡塔尔天然气运输公司与卡塔尔能源公司去年签署的25艘LNG运输船建造协议的一部分,该协议是卡塔尔大规模船队扩张项目的一部分。其余17艘LNG运输船将在现代重工(Hyundai Heavy Industries, ...
By Park Hye Ri Photos = Hanwha Ocean Domestic shipbuilding has completed its first maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) ...
The USNS Wally Schirra, a U.S. Navy dry cargo ship, departed a South Korean shipyard this week after a seven-month overhaul, ...
South Korea’s state trade promotion body Kotra estimates the US Navy plans to invest $1.1tn to expand its fleet to 381 vessels by 2054. It forecasts the global shipbuilding industry will grow from ...
A 210-meter, 40,000-ton US Navy vessel, heavily corroded and weathered from years of service, was pulled into Hanwha Ocean Co ...