近日,外媒Screenrant发文谈到了Xbox版《黑神话:悟空(BLACK MYTH WU KONG)》的优化问题,并表示即使开发者进行了充分优化,性能表现依然可能不理想。 Screenrant提到:“《黑神话:悟空》是采用虚幻引擎 5 ...
Xbox Game Pass may cut game sales by up to 80%, but it also helps games reach more players and boosts sales on other ...
With the massive deals launched through Game Pass, some releases lose up to 80% of profits they may have earned otherwise.
XBOX Game Pass offerings became a lot more difficult to decipher last year when the subscription service was restructured.
According to data published by the UK's Entertainment Retailers Association via VGC, the annual revenue from games fell to £4 ...
FOLLOWING the disastrous announcement of the extremely expensive PS5 Pro, PlayStation quickly won back its fans. The ...
Many games may be about to experience the aftershocks of Chinese tech and gaming giant Tencent being placed on the U.S.
The nominees for the 14th annual New York Game Awards have been announced, with Astro Bot, Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth, Indiana ...
Microsoft has discussed more of its plans for an Xbox handheld, as it attempts to combine the Xbox dashboard and Windows.
报道还指出,《黑神话:悟空》的开发商游戏科学最终对Xbox Series S进行了充分优化,但游戏仍可能面临相同甚至更严重的性能问题。考虑到游戏中的Boss有着十足的挑战性,在战斗过程中出现卡顿和帧率下降等问题将使玩家感到沮丧。
之前我们报道过,据VGInsights的数据,《黑神话:悟空》的销量已达到1810万份,总收入超过8.66亿美元(约等于人民币61亿)。游戏的高收益引发了玩家热议,黑神话吧的玩家惊叹于游戏科学可能赚取的巨大金额。帖子作者 ...
今日,我们体验了DLSS4.0在一款备受期待的国产游戏《黑神话:悟空》中的运行效果。使用4K最高设置,DLSS4.0技术显著提升了帧率,使之超过200fps,表现出色。昨日,全新的RTX50系列显卡已经发布,其中包括RTX5070/507 ...