美国联邦地区法院法官裁定密苏里州在状告中国政府隐瞒新冠疫情的诉讼案中胜诉并判决中国支付240亿美元罚款之后,密苏里州共和党籍检察长安德鲁·贝利(Andrew ...
When Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey says he’ll seize assets to force China to pay a $24.5 billion award won in a ...
Missouri’s attorney general is threatening to seize Chinese assets across the U.S. to collect $24.5 billion awarded in a ...
Missouri’s AG won after Chinese representatives didn’t respond to the federal lawsuit. It’s unclear whether the state will ...
A federal judge last week ruled in favor of Missouri, after Missouri GOP Sen. Eric Schmidt sued China for "unleashing Covid on the world." ...
We intend to collect every penny by seizing Chinese-owned assets, including Missouri farmland,” Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey said.
The state of Missouri won a multi-billion dollar lawsuit against China for its role in the COVID-19 pandemic after none ...
Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey won a $24 billion judgment against China for the country’s part in exacerbating the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic .
A federal judge ruled in Missouri's favor in its lawsuit against Beijing, accusing China of hoarding personal protective equipment during the coronavirus pandemic.
A US judge has held China accountable for concealing the Covid-19 pandemic and hoarding PPE, directing the Chinese government ...
A US federal court has ruled in favour of Missouri, awarding the state a $24 billion judgment against the Chinese Communist ...
The Chinese government has been ordered to pay $24 billion in damages by a US judge. The ruling was issued after Missouri ...