Bella and Edward are making their way to the small screen with an animated series in the works by Lionsgate Productions and Netflix. The Twilight saga follows a young teenager, Isabella Swan, who ...
The upcoming Netflix Twilight animated show can be so much darker (and better) than the movie thanks to an Edward reveal in ...
Twilight mastermind Stephenie Meyer announced Monday that a new book in the franchise, Midnight Sun, will debut on Aug ... was back to normal. However, 1) who knows when that will be?
The sun has not yet set on The Twilight Saga. Starring Kristen Stewart as the love-bitten Bella Swan and Robert Pattinson as “vegetarian” vampire Edward Cullen, the five films based on author ...
Witness a lunar occultation of both Mars and the Pleiades; plus, Mars reaches opposition and Venus and Saturn sit close ...
Life peers are marbled with political donors and cronies. Hereditary peerage was, in part, a bulwark against that. One of Mr. Starmer’s nominees for peerage is his former chief of staff, Sue Gray. She ...
In fact, if you were to travel to Antarctica or the Arctic today, less than two weeks after our summer solstice, you will likely experience either the midnight sun, or polar night ... In the winter ...