Ornithologists recognize dozens of subspecies of these adaptable birds. Learn how to identify a chipping sparrow. Meet the white-crowned sparrow and white-throated sparrow. This bird constructs a ...
David also notes that the spotted towhee is about the size of a cardinal, but because it’s a member of the sparrow family, ...
Snow Buntings are sparrow-sized birds with striking black-and-white plumage in males; they are often seen foraging in snowy fields during winter. This sparrow has a rufous eyeline and a larger ...
This sparrow (monotypic genus) feeds on bare or sandy ground. When flushed, it flies to a high perch. Few other sparrows are likely to fly high overhead during daylight. They call both when ...
At that season it is frequently mistaken for the chipping sparrow, but the 2 rarely overlap in winter. The American tree sparrow often occurs in flocks of up to 50 birds. In habitat and behavior ...