It's a rule that most people in Ireland are familiar with - if you have a TV in your home or business, you're required by law ...
Technology is about to take a major leap forward. Hyundai just achieved a huge milestone - getting one of its latest models ...
A driver in northeastern Minnesota with 10 DWI-related convictions allegedly admitted to drinking alcohol and smoking ...
Here’s a list of the top mutual funds that pay regular dividends for frequent income. Dividend-paying funds tend to focus on ...
Motorists under the age of 70 will not have to take a medical exam every time they renew their driver’s licence, under ...
Immediate and significant — but not criminal — consequences for people caught behind the wheel with booze on their breath isn ...
There are several changes to Kentucky law taking effect in the new year. Here's a look at some of the most impactful changes ...
In June, the DMV announced other big changes to reduce office wait times and improve customer service. The DMV moved many ...
Working on trees is one of the most dangerous professions in the green industry, and arborists are required to carry ...
Elderly motorists may be forced by officials to undertake two quick tests to keep their driving licence as part of essential ...
A Florida DMV drivers license agency inside the Midway Crossings mall in Miami-Dade County draws a line of motorists applying for or renewing licenses on May 30, 2024. Howard Cohen hcohen@miamiherald.
Drivers over the age of 70, who will soon be required to pass two examinations in order to continue driving legally on UK ...