“Face Me” is a mystery thriller that follows the unlikely partnership between cold plastic surgeon Cha Jeong Woo (Lee Min Ki) and passionate detective Lee Min Hyeong (Han Ji Hyeon), who team ...
“Love Your Enemy” is a tvN romantic comedy in which “arch-nemeses” Seok Ji Won (Ju Ji Hoon) and Yoon Ji Won (Jung Yu Mi), who were born on the same day with the same name and whose ...
Safety Ji'Ayir Brown had started for the San Francisco 49ers in every game this season. That ended in Week 14 when the 49ers played the Chicago Bears. With Talanoa Hufanga activated off of Injured ...
Behold the InWin Infinite, the most ridiculously over-the-top PC case that isn’t shaped like ... anything in terms of actually separating your parts from their surrounding area for cooling ...