"Clodagh," an award-winning short film featuring Irish dance, has made the shortlist for the Live Action Short Film at the 2025 Academy Awards. Starring Katelyn Rose Downey and Bríd Ní Neachtain ...
A blind Irish dancer feels Strictly winner Chris McCausland has “paved the way” for people with visual impairments and shown ...
Carrigaline's Wren Festival took place this St. Stephen's Day, where many took to the street wearing varied colourful ...
There were dances inspired by multiple Christmas movies, featuring iconic characters and variety of dance styles.
Meterologist Joanna Donnelly has been revealed as the final celebrity contestant to take part in Dancing with the Stars 2025.
Riverdance will run in Toronto from March 18 to March 23 at the CAA Ed Mirvish Theatre. Tickets will be on sale beginning ...
Meteorologist Joanna Donnelly is the final celeb to be announced for Dancing With The Stars which is returning to RTÉ One in ...
Is anyone wearing a better outfit, and looking happier about it, this week than this Irish goldendoodle? The pooch participated in a “Santa Paws” charity walk in Dublin earlier this month ...
Strictly Come Dancing's first drag queen competitor, Tayce, and professional dance partner Kai Widdrington have been crowned ...
B Check out Dublin Gazette's Entertainment Guide for What's on around the city in the New Year NYF Dublin 2025: A Spectacular ...
Meterologist Joanna Donnelly is the final celebrity contestant for this season’s glittering lineup of Dancing with the Stars.
CHRISTMAS revellers in Santa costumes have been spotted on the streets celebrating the festive season. The mild weather saw many merry punters out and about with Brits getting in the festive ...