"Clodagh," an award-winning short film featuring Irish dance, has made the shortlist for the Live Action Short Film at the 2025 Academy Awards. Starring Katelyn Rose Downey and Bríd Ní Neachtain ...
Esther Smith, 16, came fourth in the under 16 age group at the Queen Elizabeth Hall in Oldham. As the top five qualified for the World Irish Dancing Championships in Dublin in April, Esther, from ...
The new series of Dancing with the Stars begins on RTÉ One and RTÉ Player at 6:30pm on Sunday January 5. Join the Irish Mirror’s breaking news service on WhatsApp. Click this link to receive ...
Bringing you live local breaking news, sport, politics, weather & more in Derry and County Derry Please allow ads as they help fund our trusted local news content. Kindly add us to your ad blocker ...
Please allow ads as they help fund our trusted local news content. Kindly add us to your ad blocker whitelist. If you want further access to Ireland's best local journalism, consider contributing ...
You can check out at any time. More info Vogue Williams is set to dazzle in this year's Christmas special of Strictly Come Dancing. The festive edition of the BBC hit show will feature presenter ...