According to the Harvard Publishing School, hormonal fluctuations, medications, and underlying health conditions may also ...
According to some studies, between 11 and 38% of pregnant women experience gastrointestinal issues, including constipation ...
Irritable bowel syndrome IBS and erectile dysfunction ED are two different medical terms but a study finds a common link Read ...
Most civil suits settle in the outside world. But among prisoner Eighth Amendment lawsuits, only 14% settle, and less than 1% win in court.
Lower left abdominal pain can have many causes, ranging from minor to serious, says Andrew Boxer, M.D., gastroenterologist of ...
Pancreatitis in children, often mistaken for minor digestive issues, can cause severe abdominal pain and requires timely ...
Pelvic pain is not only due to your periods. It may be connected to pregnancy and other factors. Let's take a look at pelvic ...
Constipation is a widespread problem affecting all age groups. Many misconceptions exist about this digestive issue. People ...