For those unwilling or unable to venture out, snow can draw birds to backyard feeders en masse, making them easy to observe from the warmth of indoors. Plus, they are easier to spot. With few ...
(This is an easy project to do with kids!) To make suet cakes, combine 3 1/2 cups wild bird seed, 1 cup oats, and 1/2 cup corn meal. Melt 1 1/2 cups shortening and 3/4 cup nut butter and mix with ...
Lots of birders enjoy keeping lists of all the birds they see. The most common is a ‘Year List,’ an annual tally that starts with a purposeful birding effort on January 1 and continues ...
The bird drawings then flew off to Penn Manor High ... He admits his design wasn't easy. "Light green, dark green, light green, dark green, and then they did the same thing as me," he said.
The passengers of an American Airlines flight bound for North Carolina were left fearing for their lives on Thursday after a bird struck the plane engine An American Airlines flight bound for ...