is a sensory nerve responsible for hearing. It travels from the cochlea, a spiral-shaped structure in the inner ear, to the brainstem as part of the eighth cranial nerve. The other part of cranial ...
We report a case of 64-year-old male with hypertension, treated with amlodipine, who has been complaining of progressive right-sided hypoacusis for the past 4 months, associated with signs of ...
This lets your eye rotate away from the center of your body and look to the left or right. Sometimes called the abducent nerve, the abducens nerve is the sixth cranial nerve (CN VI). This nerve has ...
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) is marked by increased intracranial pressure without any accompanying evidence of ...
We discuss the differential diagnosis between HMSN III and CIDP in this patient with a fluctuating but insidiously progressive 26 year history, in whom MRI demonstrated marked enlargement of multiple ...
JJ is a 75-year-old man who presents to the office after his wife made an appointment for him this morning for evaluation of ...
Nerves provides tooling and libraries for building small, self-contained software images using the rock-solid Erlang virtual machine hardware support of Linux, and happy development experience of ...
With a provisional diagnosis of acquired third nerve palsy, she underwent MRI brain and orbit with contrast, which showed enhancing nodular lesion along the course of the left oculomotor nerve in the ...
A 22-year-old male presented with headache, vomiting, left-sided ataxia, and left-sided mild hearing loss of 1-month duration. The vision was normal. Fundus examination showed papilledema. left-sided ...
We horsey people think (and talk) about saddle fit a lot — but what about the bridle? Both are essential items of horse tack ...
and the peripheral nervous system (motor nerves, sensory nerves, cranial and spinal nerves, autonomic ganglia, and plexuses).