Several bird species, including mynas, ring-necked parakeets, cockatiels, budgerigars, cockatoos, and eclectus parrots, ...
Parent birds deliver more than 10,000 to their young A pair of great tits will each fly at least 100 km to collect the caterpillars and carry almost their own body weight in a day Robins and wrens ...
Biologists, physicists, and engineers have all tried to solve the problem. One theory is that individual birds follow their neighbors' lead. There are nearly 120 species of starlings. You can find ...
About 98 to 99 percent of this amazing bird's habitat has been lost. In 1991 the International Council for Bird Preservation petitioned the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to list the blue-billed ...
A swarm of starlings have been filmed swirling just above the ground in a murmuration-like display. The phenomena was ...
Past societies developed a range of weird and wonderful explanations for birds’ annual disappearance. Some thought they became barnacles, others that they hibernated in cliffs. As recently as ...
To increase your chances of seeing swans, visit for updates and daily estimates of the current number of ...