The ancestors of modern ferns are among some of the oldest plants on the planet, dating back to prehistoric times. There's no need to replicate a dinosaur's habitat if you want to enjoy the fresh ...
What does it tell us about the behavior that constructed those nests? That’s what’s really amazing.” Still, the breeding ecology of only about 30 percent of the world’s bird species is ...
The Italian ecologist knew the trash hung from the nests of a certain bird, the black kite. But why? Many species of birds decorate their nests to attract a mate—but kites already have partners ...
He adds that the children take great delight in watching the nests in process of construction, and in the rearing and education of the young birds afterward. As soon as a nest is fairly begun ...
Dutch researchers have found that some birds use the spikes as weapons around their nests - using them to keep pests away in the same way that humans do. It shows amazing adaptability, biologist ...