在人工智能快速发展的今天,各种大型语言模型(LLM)如雨后春笋般涌现。OpenAI 的 GPT 系列、Google 的 Gemini、Anthropic 的 ...
Sun Yuning, former deputy head of China's General Administration of Customs, has been expelled from the Communist Party of ...
据《金融时报》报道,德勤美国税务部门员工被告知年度奖金将与办公室出勤率挂钩。 新规要求员工每周至少保证50%的工作时间(即2-3天)在办公室或客户现场。 这一政策调整与普华永道、安永等其他"四大"会计师事务所,以及科技巨头谷歌近期采取的措施形成呼应。
The Shenzhen office will further allow Casual to embed itself right in the heart of the Greater Bay Area and to propel the ...
中建山水雅境山水艺述馆已盛大公开, 都会与山水,时尚与自然,共鸣于心的生活艺术于此际遇,美学与诗意汇流的雅境中,生态宜居样本的风华光芒闪耀。
"The success of this new animation movie, Ne Zha 2, shows first of all, the success of the Chinese movie industry, success in bringing up the content that comes from Chinese mythology as well as ...