Statista is a n. 1 business platform in the world, a leading provider of market and consumer data. Founded in 2007 in Germany, it has approximately 700 employees in its offices in Hamburg, London ...
Average wait time for a primary physician and an elective surgery appointment in selected countries worldwide as of 2023 (in days) Characteristic Average wait time for primary physician ...
With roughly 15 billion U.S. dollars, the Canadian digital advertising market was the sixth largest worldwide in 2023, trumped only by undisputed global leaders the United States and China, as ...
The largest share of bread sold in the U.S. is artisanal, in spite of the important position of supermarkets in grocery retail. Only when private label sales and the sales of the five biggest ...
The Chinese education system is the largest state-run education system in the world. Its quality has improved considerably over the last decades due to continuous reforms and large-scale investments.