Branston Bridge will be closed for the foreseeable future due to safety concerns. The Victorian bridge, which had only reopened last week, has had to be closed once more after vehicles repeatedly ...
The cabinet system makes the major decisions about council services and many others that you use on a day-to-day basis. The cabinet normally meets monthly. Its role is to lead in the preparation of ...
The Localism Act 2011 requires all local authorities to adopt their own Code of Conduct for members (and for any co-opted members who have the right to vote in meetings). The Code has to be based on ...
This Joint Strategic Needs and Assets Assessment (JSNA) sets out current and future strategic health and care needs in Staffordshire to inform and guide strategy, commissioning and decision making. It ...
In 2000 we worked with Staffordshire borough and district councils to publish a residential design guide. What is the guide for? The purpose of this guide is to bring together everything that helps ...
We prioritise all potholes so that the most dangerous ones are repaired either the next day or within 7 days. The vast majority are given to specialist teams and will be repaired depending on location ...
These drainage systems cater for rain water running off the surface of areas of hard standing and other generally impermeable areas such as car parks, industrial land and public amenity areas, and ...
Changes to bus services are listed by month, with additional pages for Christmas, New Year and Easter. Bus services are liable to change at short notice, and any changes will be added throughout the ...
We separate our highway verge maintenance into two programmes; rural grass cutting and urban grass cutting and there are various contractors engaged in this work, on our behalf, around the county.
The majority of road works are carried out by the utility companies such as gas, water, phone and electric companies. For more information on these road works please visit One Network. Essential work ...