It's about the world's growing demand for electricity, because emissions targets require more electrification. In this country, the power supply is fairly reliable. In the past 15 years, outages have ...
A total of 1.8 million electric cars and plug-in hybrids were sold worldwide in November. Sales of these environmentally friendly vehicles rose by around 32 percent in November, the seventh month in a ...
Jetzt gegen Jahresende scheint der Goldpreis nochmal Stärke zu zeigen. Gold und Silbermünzen sind ein Zahlungsmittel. Die geopolitische Lage ist weltweit nicht einfacher geworden. Chinas Zentralbank ...
Viele Experten glauben, dass der Silberpreis im neuen Jahr die Performance des Goldes übertreffen wird. So gehen beispielsweise die Analysten von Heraeus Precious Metals davon aus, dass Silber einen ...
Many experts believe that the price of silver will outperform gold in the new year. Analysts at Heraeus Precious Metals, for example, believe that silver will carry much of its strength into the new ...
The price of gold now seems to be showing renewed strength towards the end of the year. Gold and silver coins are a means of payment. The price of gold now seems to be showing renewed strength towards ...
Uran gibt es überall in der Erdkruste, in den Ozeanen, in den Alpen und auch jeder Mensch enthält Spuren von Uran. In Kernkraftwerken wird Uran in Form von kleinen Pellets verwendet. Drei bis vier von ...
Mining giant Rio Tinto plans to invest 2.5 billion US dollars in a new lithium mine in Argentina. Mining giant Rio Tinto plans to invest 2.5 billion US dollars in a new lithium mine in Argentina. Even ...
The gold acquisition program of the Central Bank of Ecuador is an example of the goals of many other central banks. The basis for Ecuador is a legal framework that has increasingly focused on gold ...