Get step-by-step instructions on how to work with your client's damaged nervous system. Takeaway the training and knowledge to apply neuroscience-based interventions, speak directly to your client's ...
Your heart rate increases, your palms get sweaty. You're nervous in session because your client's problems are so significant and pervasive that you don't know what to do. You're not alone... Complex ...
Laura Falconer, is a Speech and Language Therapist by background with over 30 years’ experience of working in the fields of Early Years, Vulnerable Families and Children and Young people’s Mental ...
We've all had clients we don't feel like we're connecting with... maybe we haven't engaged successfully with them or we feel like we're not moving together toward change... The therapeutic ...
Begin by gaining the education you need to quickly build rapport, identify PTSD and other disorders, and create treatment plans customized for each client. Then, learn key interventions to treat the ...
Techniques and fancy methods take you only so far when people’s difficulties are rooted in their earliest experiences. And most clients come to us because of longstanding problems in handling their ...
Without your help, clients can rarely navigate the road to healing from gaslighting, codependency, torn attachment, narcissistic abuse, and the grief toxic relationships cause. While you might easily ...
Join the premier experts on trauma and addiction treatment and discover how to offer deep healing during this unprecedented time We’re experiencing traumatic stress ...
The horrifying truth is that violence and trauma are so pervasive, all women are affected by them in some way. And the way women experience trauma is unique. Their ...
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (SP) is one of the most powerful approaches for addressing complex trauma, trauma-related, and dissociative disorders. Praised by all who have taken SP training, as well as ...
Your clients with trauma and addiction are just one trigger away from relapse. As a therapist, you can find yourself walking on eggshells, trying not to "cause" relapse... But the latest research is ...