The Pha Muang Special Forces, led by the Mekong Riverine Operation Unit, intercepted a long board and seized 3 million methamphetamine pills in Chiang Saen District, Chiang Rai. Lt. Cmdr Panasak ...
The New Year Countdown is an extraordinary cultural and celebratory event along Bangkok’s Chao Phraya River. Spectacular celebrations, including global luminaries such as BamBam, accompany it. The ...
Thailand’s Defense Minister announced today that the border in Tak province will be temporarily closed for a month to prevent the spread of cholera, which is currently affecting the adjacent city of ...
The Government of Thailand has turned down a proposal from the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) aimed at abolishing the death penalty in the country despite a growing trend towards its ...
The Singha Complex is more than just a landmark in Bangkok. It’s a setting that encourages creativity and progress. Every aspect of the building, from its barley-inspired façade to its flowing ...