After two years of going virtual thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Colombian Folk Festival returns to be held in person. Residents and tourists alike will finally be able to physically enjoy ...
El Undécimo Tribunal de Apelaciones de Atlanta (EEUU) ratificó los veredictos de culpabilidad de cinco cubanos acusados de integrar la llamada red de espionaje "Avispa" y anuló las sentencias de tres ...
Desde su comienzo, el caso de la muerte de la niña mexicana Paulette Gebara ha tenido una relación muy estrecha con las redes sociales. A pocos días de que el ex procurador del estado de México, ...
La ciudad de Nueva York está estudiando un nuevo proyecto de ley que obligaría a todos los empleadores a revelar los rangos salariales en las solicitudes de empleo a partir de abril de 2022. La nueva ...
de líder de la homosexualidad en la isla caribeña.
The world changed in the wake of the terrorist attacks of 9/11 in 2001 and for historians, the attacks marked the turn of the century. But since then and until now, many are the milestones that have ...
The Democratic-controlled Pennsylvania House and 15 Republicans approved a $45.5 billion state budget Wednesday night, by a 117-86 vote following a five-day impasse regarding Gov. Josh Shapiro’s $100 ...
About 1,400 workers at four Kellogg’s U.S. plants have gone on strike after their current union contracts expired and amid accusations that the cereal giant is offshoring jobs. The workers, ...
Sealing a joint commitment to attack the supply chain, the U.S. and Mexico have targeted two cartels to stem the flow of both fentanyl and illegal firearms across their borders. In a meeting at the ...
The Trump administration unveiled what it called the biggest tax cuts “in history” on Wednesday, in a move that will simplify the US tax system, slash taxes for businesses large and small – including ...
It starts with the ability to influence. Every November, when we nominate and select the AL DIA POLITICIANS of the year, we focus on those who command that intangible - the “INFLUENCE” -, for their ...
Thousands have join in protest for the unresolved case of 43 missing students in Mexico, and after growing pressure and a lack of resolution, the governor of the state of Guerrero decided to step down ...