The project AURUM - Preventing Illegal Gold Mining in the Amazon aims to strengthen institutional responses and capacities for preventing illegal mining and mercury trafficking, considering the ...
O AURUM - Prevenção da Mineração Ilegal do Ouro na Amazônia busca fortalecer as respostas e as capacidades das instituições para a prevenção da mineração ilegal e do tráfico de mercúrio, considerando ...
However, corruption seriously impedes these efforts. It negatively affects the attraction and retention of foreign investments, fair competition and investment quality, resulting in long-lasting ...
Legislation title: The Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Amendment of First Schedule) Order 2014 and the Control of Chemicals Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 2) Order 2014 ...
As well as providing an in-depth analysis of key developments and emerging trends in selected drug markets, the Contemporary issues on drugs booklet looks at several other developments of policy ...
At the global level, NPS with opioid effect including fentanyl analogues accounted for only 2% of the total NPS reported the ...
One impactful way to help overcome the existing obstacles is through meaningful mentorship, providing the guidance, support and empowerment needed for women to navigate their paths and achieve their ...
Looking ahead, the legacy of LUMUN 21 will serve as a guiding light for future initiatives. The discussions, resolutions, and ...
Este módulo les presenta a los alumnos la idea de que la integridad y la ética son elementos clave del éxito empresarial sostenible.  En él se examinan las razones por las que la gente que está en ent ...
Conduzir o processo seletivo de pessoa para assumir o posto de Oficial de Monitoramento e Avaliação do Projeto Tapajós/PEMS em conexão à implementação de outros projetos do Escritório das Nações ...
Conduzir processo de seleção de pessoa para assumir o posto de Oficial de Comunicação, em conexão ao projeto PEMS - Tapajós.
Santiago (Chile), 13 December 2024 – Chile is a nation known for its robust economy which has experienced significant economic growth in recent decades. This prosperity is underpinned by strategic ...