The Demonstration of Energy Efficiency Potential (DEEP) project investigated thermal improvements made to solid walled homes in Yorkshire. It compared the cumulative benefit and risks of individual ...
Your chance to have a say on advice and guidance documents we've published in draft. Your feedback will help us make our advice and guidance useful. A draft revision to Marine Geophysics Data ...
On these pages you will find our digital magazine 'Historic England Research' as well as bonus articles about our the work we carry out or fund. Our current issue ...
The Inclusive Heritage Advice Hub is part of Historic England's commitment to supporting the heritage sector in becoming more diverse. It features several topic sections of digestible information for ...
The advanced search is capped at 1,000 results. A site not appearing in the results may not mean that it is not listed. Contact us for help.
A collection of over 10,000 images from the Historic England Archive that have been specially selected and re-captioned for teachers to use with their pupils.
Buildings and the construction industry are one of the largest carbon polluters in the UK today and there is consensus that we urgently need to tackle carbon emissions from buildings. The following ...
Heritage crime is any offence which harms the value of heritage assets and their settings. Some heritage assets are protected by specific legislation to prevent harm caused by damage or unlicensed ...
Fort Cumberland is also home to a number of small businesses and a charity: ...
Each spreadsheet has four tabs: introducing the data and explaining how the document works, detailing the entries, showing additions, and showing removals for positive reasons. These spreadsheets are ...