Tabish Khan, the @LondonArtCritic, picks his top 5 painting exhibitions to see in New Year. If you’re after more shows, check ...
People always ask us what FAD is about? What's its focus? Well, it's hard to put a finger on it but the first two posts on ...
Kate Mayer Presents Glow Up: Art, Energy, and Elevation, 54 The Gallery, 54 Shepherd Market, Mayfair, London from 6th-11th ...
London arguably has the largest collection of useless lumps of bronze masquerading as art in the world - bronze is the ...
Christmas is over - family, food, presents just ahead of the New Year here's a list of Art Fairs for you to see in London, ...
THE TIME IS ALWAYS NOW, Lubaina Himid, 219 Le Rodeur The Exchange Hollybush Gardens, Photo Andy Keate There was a flurry of ...
Jenny Holzer partnered with UMCA (Ukrainian Museum of Contemporary Art) and World Central Kitchen to create gifts for ...
I step out of a car in the rural North Hampshire countryside surrounded by green fields and farm animals including cows, ...
Fischli & Weiss: ‘Snowman’ 1987 / 2016. To create the figure, humidity was pumped into the freezer, which then condensed ...
From oversized 80s-style jewelry to bold footwear, accessories defined fashion, setting the stage for an even bigger focus on ...
Art that makes us feel better through light, colour and sound.
Solange Azagury-Partridge knows a thing or two about what makes for iconic jewelry design. Her pieces are in the permanent ...