These coastal birds form strong, lasting pair bonds that can endure for multiple breeding seasons, though they may find new ...
This flightless giant, standing up to 9 feet tall, roams the African savanna with surprising speed and grace. The Common Ostrich is a striking bird. Males boast black body feathers contrasted by white ...
A graceful giant of wetlands and grasslands, this bird's trumpeting call echoes across Europe and Asia during its spectacular migrations. The Common Crane is a tall, long-necked bird with ...
Striking black-and-white shorebirds with bright orange bills, these skilled hunters probe coastal mudflats for tasty bivalve molluscs. The Eurasian Oystercatcher is a striking, crow-sized wader with ...
A flamboyant forest dweller with a vibrant golden crest and beautiful, bold coloured plumage, turning heads wherever it struts. The Golden Pheasant is a strikingly colourful bird, particularly the ...
The swift-flying architect of mud nests transforms eaves and buildings into bustling summer colonies around the world. The House Martin is a small, compact swallow with distinctive white underparts ...
Gliding gracefully over grasslands and farmland, this elegant raptor is a master of low-altitude hunting and long-distance migration. Montagu's Harriers are slender, long-winged raptors with a ...
A master of camouflage, this elusive wader skulks through forests worldwide, often spotted only when flushed from undergrowth. The Eurasian Woodcock is a plump, cryptically coloured wading bird with a ...
This small, agile shorebird darts along coastlines worldwide, leaving delicate footprints in its wake as it hunts for tiny crustaceans. The Kentish Plover is a small, compact shorebird with a ...
This bold, charismatic songbird, with its bold black stripe and yellow belly, is a common sight in gardens and woodlands across Eurasia. The Great Tit is a striking small bird with a distinctive black ...
Meet the Bearded Tit, a charming little bird that's not actually a tit at all, but rather a unique species that calls the UK's reedbeds home. The Bearded Tit is a small, elegant bird with a long tail ...
With its melodious warble echoing through wetlands worldwide, this small songbird is a master of camouflage in dense reeds. The Common Reed-warbler is a small, slender bird with uniform warm brown ...