Lightning: A force of nature that is hotter than the surface of the sun and is accompanied by thunder.Indiana's Severe ...
Hancock County and the City of Findlay will be participating in the Statewide Tornado Drill on Wednesday, March 19th at 9:50 ...
Severe Weather Awareness Week is held annually during the third full week of March. Starting on Sunday, the Ohio EMA and Ohio ...
The Virginia Beach NAACP released a statement after reports of alleged racial harassment occurring at Kellam High School.
This week is Indiana Severe Weather Awareness Week.WSBT 22's Aaron May takes a look at what you should do if there's a ...
The Wood County Emergency Management Agency reminds residents and businesses that Spring Severe Weather Awareness Week in ...
Virginia Severe Weather Awareness Week highlights the criteria for severe thunderstorm warnings and their possible damage.
It's March, and in the Ohio Valley that means there's a chance for severe weather pretty much anytime a storm system moves ...
This is Severe Weather Awareness Week. Each day this week, DEMA will focus on a different type of weather hazard by providing ...
Severe Weather Awareness Week is March 2 through 8th, but the first topic covered is today. Flooding is the first topic, then ...