In response to questions about the future, Pulisic did not shy away from expressing his unwavering belief that Milan is his career destination. "I am 100% sure. I feel the full trust and support of ...
È la grande occasione dell'Atalanta di Gasperini che oggi dà l'assalto alla capolista Inter e allo scudetto. Ma il Napoli ...
This spring, the stage of Italian football has once again witnessed thrilling drama. In the recent 29th round of Serie A, AC Milan turned the game around to defeat Como 2-1 amidst the cheers at San Si ...
他们也是长时间0比2落后,最终凭借加洛(Gallo)和美国球星普利西奇(Pulisic)的两个进球以3比2逆转胜,为体米取得2月15日以来的首场胜利。 普利西奇说:“我们处境复杂,这是一场感觉很好的胜利。” 去年夺得意甲亚军的体米凭借这场胜利,升至积分榜第八 ...
I nerazzurri, in corsa si tre fronti, vogliono approfittare dell'incontro in casa col Monza per consolidare la leadership ...
这个进球意味着费耶诺德自1972年以来,在欧洲顶级赛事中取得了最佳战绩。 对美国国脚克里斯蒂安·普利西奇(Christian Pulisic)这场比赛是他近期低迷状态的延续。有猜测他可能会被放在替补席上,他还是回到了AC米兰的首发阵容,像往常一样在右翼活动。