Drake 的名声不仅是在音乐圈,在鞋圈更是地位不低。除了 Nike 专门推出的支线 NOCTA 外,还有老玩家们心心念念的 OVO 联名系列,每双在当年可都是梦幻藏品。近日,海外突然曝光一双此前从未见过的 OVO x AJ9 ...
近日,一双之前从未见过的OVO x AJ9 Sample在海外意外曝光,再次勾起了玩家们的强烈关注与热烈讨论。这双鞋子以其典雅的纯白色调而著称,仿佛带有一股清新而典雅的气息,搭配上独特的半透明水晶外底,让人一见倾心。更不要提那闪亮的金色刺绣字样,简直像为整双鞋增添了一个奢华的皇冠。
During a recent livestream, Smiley confirmed that he will be releasing a new track with his label boss, Drake. This ...
An unexpected Drake sneaker hit the internet Wednesday in two colorways, but it’s a near certainty that the pairs won’t be ...
The average annual energy bill in England, Scotland and Wales has been hiked to £1,738 from January 2025, as the price cap ...
The price cap for British Gas, OVO, EDF, EON and Octopus customers could be hiked from £1,738 in January, to an estimated ...
视听品牌OVO携手灿坤、顺发、特力屋三大通路推荐视听影音新商品「闺蜜机」,于全台30 间门市实机展示,邀请消费者体验。包括通过Google认证的21.5吋FHD智慧触控萤幕「转转闺蜜机」JJ1,以及首款可续航8小时且免组装 ...
Jasen Urena, vice president of NestFresh shares insights into how In OVO sexing us is revolutionising egg farming and why it ...
Customers of major energy suppliers including British Gas, E.ON, EDF and OVO can make a £148 saving with one simple change.