The Jack Quaid-starring action-comedy topped the leaderboard in the slowest weekend at the box office so far this year.
To say theater owners are counting the days until Disney's 'Snow White' opens wide is an understatement after a miserable few ...
Five new movies opened in wide release in North American theaters this weekend. And yet it's likely going to be the ...
惊悚动作喜剧片《无痛凯恩》首映周末票房约870万美元,以微弱优势拔得头筹。目前主要电影网站对其评价为IMDb评分7.0、MTC评分59、烂番茄新鲜度82% (130评),CinemaScore打分为B。有观众称,该片“有创意、很好笑,是一部值回票价的‘爆米花’电影”。