Digital travel platform Agoda is giving K-pop fans in Hong Kong a reason to cheer with an exclusive offer to attend the Seoul ...
Digital travel platform Agoda is giving K-pop fans in Japan a reason to cheer with an exclusive offer to attend the Seoul ...
Digital travel platform Agoda is giving K-pop fans in Taiwan a reason to cheer with an exclusive offer to attend the Seoul ...
搜狐韩娱讯 作为2024年最佳新人的NCT WISH于今日(2月21日)迎来出道一周年。 从日本东京巨蛋舞台迈出激动人心的出道第一步,NCT WISH以音乐与爱助力大家的希望与梦想,承载着“与大家一同实现”的信念,用充满希望的歌词和满载活力的表演治愈听众们,将“清凉&NEO”的组合独有色彩深深印刻在全球粉丝心中。 六位成员是温、陆、勇志、栽禧、辽、咲哉凭借清爽的外形、积极向上的魅力、多元有趣的新鲜 ...
当NCT WISH彩排视频在微博破亿时,THE BOYZ的新专辑预售瞬间售罄,一场盛大的K-pop盛宴即将在首尔拉开帷幕!2025年4月30日,在首尔世界杯体育场,Agoda为中国内地的K-pop粉丝准备了一个难得的惊喜福利:每位参与活动的粉丝通过Agoda预订特别房间套餐,即可获得两张价值万元的免费演出门票,亲身欣赏NCT WISH、THE BOYZ、n.SSign等顶级艺人的现场表演。 预售票 ...
“Personally, I’ve noticed that I’m getting faster at taking direction during recordings, and seeing my own growth makes me feel proud.” 'NCT Wish's Wishlist' fan showcase to be held in Korea next ...
成为2024年最佳新人的NCT Wish今天(21日)迎来了出道一周年。 在日本东京巨蛋中迈出充满激动的出道第一步的NCT Wish用音乐和爱情为所有人的愿望和梦想加油,一起实现的抱负,将"清凉&NEO"组合固有的色彩牢牢地印在了全世界的粉丝们面前。 另外,XION、Liku、Yuusi、在熙 ...
Love the way that we go, we go, we go ...
They'll be joined by EXO members Suho and Chanyeol, NCT Dream, WayV, boy band Riize, and NCT Wish. The concert will also introduce upcoming girl group Hearts2Hearts and virtual idol Naevis ...