Amidst an abundance of talented soccer players, a talented teenage Barcelona midfielder is faced with a monumental decision. Remarkably, his next destination could bring him closer to two soccer icons ...
Salah isn’t just outperforming all other contenders for the status of world’s best player. He’s beating them by a distance, scoring or assisting at a rate of once per 64 minutes, far more frequently ...
The Aussie coach has received plenty of criticism in recent weeks amid Tottenham's poor form that's seen them lose three of their last six games, conceding 14 goals in the process ...
The 2024-25 Premier League title race is starting to look like a procession. Manchester City went into the season as defending champions for a record fourth time. They once again edged the title ...
And it hasn’t been a good start to life back in the Premier League. Goals have been Southampton’s main problem, scoring just 11 in their 16 matches so far. That’s converted to just one win ...