For the second day in a row, Jacksonville police were involved in a shooting, this time six officers returning fire on woman ...
Jacksonville Sheriff T.K. Waters said the man killed was wearing a bulletproof vest and multiple guns were found in his car.
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Two people were rushed to the hospital with injuries after a crash involving a Jacksonville Sheriff's ...
Police say the suspect in the shooting has a "fade haircut," and was seen running away from the scene wearing a camouflage ...
According to the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office, a witness of the shooting said they heard arguing in Spanish before the ...
Officers shot a 53-year-old woman overnight who fired a gun at them after they were called to a home near the Oceanway area ...
I-95 Southbound near Atlantic Boulevard was backed up for miles earlier Monday. The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office now said ...
Two people were injured Thursday morning in an officer involved shooting in Northwest Jacksonville, according to Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department.
Florida Highway Patrol first reported the police activity and closure of all southbound lanes near Atlantic Boulevard at 4:44 ...
Jacksonville police responded to a call of an armed woman threatening suicide and were met with gunfire. Six officers returned fire wounding her.
Six climate change activists, including the founder of Just Stop Oil (JSO), have had their sentences reduced, the Court of ...
The judges dismissed appeals by two women who threw the soup in the National Gallery in London in October 2022. In their ...