“China Travel” 正当时,免签,旅游,travel,china ...
China's Ministry of Commerce announced on Friday that it will continue to impose anti-dumping duties on n-butanol imports ...
How do you regard light? It is ubiquitous but what exactly is it? He Zhuoming, director of the Chinese Journal Department at Chinese Laser Press, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics under ...
China on Thursday published the results of its fifth national economic census, which showed that the country's economy has ...
上周国家移民管理局发布公告,即日起全面放宽优化过境免签政策,公告发布后直接带动境外游客机票预订量大幅上涨。韩国游客 孙淑英:张家界有世界自然遗产,风景特别优美,现在新的过境免签政策,我们出入境非常方便,有10天时间可以轻松自由行。
你被中国运动员的拼搏意志震撼了多少次? 你被中国队的团结精神感动了多少次? 你被TEAM CHINA的硬实力惊艳了多少次? 六个关键词 让你重新认识TEAM CHINA 2024巴黎奥运会 中国队拿下40枚金牌、总计91枚奖牌 ...
China's Ministry of Finance unveiled plans to implement a more proactive fiscal policy in 2025, including increasing the ...
2024年早春,开启了一年入境游的“免签利好”,随着中国“免签朋友圈”扩大、免签停留期限延长等多重政策和通关便利的效应释放,外国游客入境旅游更加便利;不管是入境免签,还是过境免签,都为入境游市场开启了一年的好光景,“China ...
媒体焦点:过境免签政策全面放宽优化,“China Travel”热度高涨。
中新网 深圳12月27日电 (索有为 彭馨荷 黄俊生)据深圳出入境边防检查总站27日统计,截至12月26日,皇岗边检站今年共查验出入境人员突破7000万人次,同比增长36.9%,日均查验出入境人员19万人次;验放出入境交通运输工具超410万辆次,同比增长38.2%。