中新社 杭州3月14日电 (郭天奇)在14日进行的2024-2025赛季中国男子篮球职业联赛 (CBA)第40轮比赛中,“领头羊”浙江方兴渡 (广厦男篮)在主场浙江杭州110:94力克广东男篮,继续领跑积分榜。 比赛一开场,广厦男篮一波10:3的小高潮直接打停对手。暂停归来,广东男篮在外线起势,吉伦沃特接连命中三分球,反超比分,广厦男篮则利用篮下的强硬防守展开反击。
The Xinjiang Flying Tigers announced Friday that the team has signed Montrezl Harrell for the remainder of the Chinese ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
La película de animación china Nezha 2 iniciará su periplo europeo en el Reino Unido e Irlanda el viernes, y en otros 37 ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...