BSE Sensex and Nifty50, the Indian equity benchmark indices, rallied strongly in trade on Thursday. While BSE Sensex briefly crossed the 80,000 mark, Nifty50 moved above 24,200.
Stock Market LIVE Updates | After a three-day rally, the markets paused on Friday, dropping more than half a percent. Analysts noted that this pullback seemed like a typical breather following the ...
What was the previous day's closing value of BSE Sensex 50? The previous day's closing value of BSE Sensex 50 was 25429.79. As of today, the current value of BSE Sensex 50 stands at 25222.11. What are ...
The investment objective of the Scheme is to generate returns that are commensurate with the performance of the S&P BSE SENSEX Index, subject to tracking errors.There is no assurance that the ...